Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brick by Brick

Well, we're another step closer to the finish line.  So much is happening, it's exciting.

This past weekend Chris and I were able to finish the stone work behind the wood stove, re-align the foundation of the cabin, try (and fail) to burn the huge brush piles we have, re-grade the driveway and road, try out the new chainsaw, and ride the ATV's like crazy.

We took a lot of time to finish the stone work behind the wood stove, and I must say, it looks pretty legit.  We did an awesome job.  We had originally bought an old beam from an 1800's barn to use as the mantle but we unfortunately found carpenter ants in it so we had to use unique fence posts as the mantle. 

We were hoping to burn at least one of the brush piles this weekend as well, but we just didn't have the time needed to babysit the pile and watch over it as it got started.  We did get a chance to meet with the well drilling company who we spoke with about drilling for a well.  It looks like we're close to being ready and hopefully within the next month or two, we'll have a drilled well with a hand pump.  Water.

We took the chainsaws to the back plateau on the ATV's.  Along the way, we widened the trail as we went, cutting down trees with dueling chainsaws.  Our hope is to widen the trail enough to get the tractor back to the plateau.  We are slowly chipping away at the trees in the back with the hope of one day having a pretty nice clearing.

We also decided it's time to take the plunge and finish off the culvert/ water re-direction work needed.  We're going to add another culvert at the road for the wrap-around driveway and one earlier on the wrap-around. 

Lots is happening, we're close.  So close.  Next trip is in about a month.  There's talk of 3 days next time up together

.  Think of the possibilities!