Luckily, Chris brought his friend Geoff up for the weekend. We needed him as some of the work involved heavy lifting and there's no way just Chris and I could have done it. Needless to say, a lot of work got done this weekend, despite the constant rain. Enough with the rain already!
Saturday was spent working on insulation and spray foam for the flooring. We had to get more insulation from the lumber yard, which set us back on time, but allowed us to see Lisa and get a big cup of coffee for a much-needed energy boost. With that done, we were able to attach the plywood to the floor. It was nice to be able to stand on the shed for the first time, even if it was in the pouring rain. We were also able to get the back and side walls framed Saturday before the rain became too much and darkness was coming and the tent still needed to be set up.
By dinner, we were tired....and wet. So we decided to head into Wilmington and go to our favorite "tavern/ inn" for dinner. It was amazing as usual, even though we sat directly beneath the stereo speakers and HEAVY metal was blaring all night long. Aren't Vermonters supposed to be more laid back??? On the way home, the car thermometer read 44 degrees and we were all a little cold so when we got back to the site we all bundled up for the night. We had a fire in the fire pit but it wasn't long before the rain was too much for us and we headed to the tent. Chris said he woke up in the middle of the night and it was pouring. Luckily, we stayed dry.
Sunday morning was dry so we did what we could to get work done. The other two walls were framed, breakfast was cooked, and we all worked together to get as much done as possible. It wasn't long before the rain returned, and this time it rained pretty hard and didn't stop. But, once you're wet, you're wet, so we just plowed forward....dripping from head to toe. There were definitely a few times we each sank ankle deep into the mud. In fact, we had to stop building a few different times to cover the mud with downed limbs because we just couldn't walk through the mud without sinking too deep. What a mess.
When we left Sunday afternoon, we were all tired, but happy with our work, especially given the weather. We're due for some perfect days in VT after our last few trips. Next up, Chris plans to head back in a week or two to add the plywood to the walls and install the barn doors and the steel entry door. We're getting closer. Then, a final push and a long weekend and we might be able to get a roof over our heads by Thanksgiving. After that, it's just finish work.
The tent's days are numbered.
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