Hurricane Irene definitely left her mark on Southern Vermont. Luckily, our land was spared for the most part. We had some serious erosion on the driveway--actually, one culvert overflowed and the run-off ran down the driveway, slowly eating away at the driveway culvert. Other than that though, no trees were down and the damage minimal.
We did however, see a lot of destruction. It was sad, but also hopeful at the same time. Wilmington was in bad shape, and orange cones covering huge sinkholes along the road were the norm. I've never seen anything like it. But, Lisa, our coffee lady friend gave us a lot of heart-warming stories of the community pulling together. She's bringing free coffee for all the recovery workers every day. Volunteers are countless and I guess money is pouring in for people to rebuild. Vermont is awesome!
This definitely puts a twist to our cabin build process. Hopefully, we can still have a foundation dug and poured this fall, but a lot needs to happen for that to occur. I'm not even sure the people who need to get to our land can even get there due to road closures and bridges being washed away. Our street needs work done to it and so does our driveway and I can't imagine we're on the top of anyones "to-do" list. We'll see what happens, but pulling this off would be pretty sweet. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and Chris got a new dog-Birch. He was a rescue from Georgia. He's part Golden part Lab and he's a great dog! Next trip up is later this month when we take our dad to the land for the first time. Too bad he didn't see it two weeks ago when it was looking sweet. Unfortunately, all our hard work has been "washed" away....literally.
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