We busted it this weekend. That's for sure. We were able to shiplap the entire ceiling and also the underside of the loft on Saturday and put together a pretty good little outhouse on Sunday. The outhouse was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but I guess a man can only take so much poopin' in the woods before enough is enough.
It was a busy two days, but it's always rewarding to get so much done. Two trips to the lumber yard (they definitely remembered us this morning), a failed attempt to buy some wood from a local lumber guy just down the road from us, one trip to the antique shop (looking for a smaller coffee table) and a whole lot of driving all over Southern Vermont. Fun.
The drive home with shiplap was definitely one to remember. We had so much wood hanging out the back of the truck that I had to sit in the bed of the truck to make sure the wood didn't spill all over the road. It was fun for about 5 minutes but that 10 degree wind chill got pretty rough after about 20 minutes. Thank God I had a hat and gloves. That probably didn't help my cold now that I think of it.
I think we're past the worst of winter too. Lisa, our coffee house friend agrees. Next time Chris and I go up the snow may be gone? It's weird leaving and returning home to no snow at all and spending a few days in VT where they definitely still have snow (be it only a few inches). But it did snow a little bit Saturday night. We drove through some snow on our way to the West Dover Inn where we had dinner at the bar. It was a new place and it was good.
Yesterday, Chris and I hit one of our patented working "grooves" where we got into a rhythm of roles and what we each could be doing to make the work go smoothly and we just cranked it out for a few hours. Good work, efficient, smooth, no mistakes. It's fun working so hard and being totally in sync with the person you're working with. At dinner we talked about the outhouse, drew some plans on bar napkins, and readied ourselves.
The place is looking amazing. And there's not a ton left to do either (well, besides enjoy it all). Just the walls and the exterior. 2 or 3 more trips. Then we have to deal with the foundation and getting something more permanent. That's going to involve us jacking the whole cabin up, digging some holes, pouring some concrete and dropping the cabin back down. I'm not looking forward to that weekend.
But in the meantime, we're making progress and enjoying every second of it. I had a stuffy nose for a few days before we left and it returned about 30 minutes before we got back to my house today. I think the clean VT air was good for me.